The Value of Anniversary Photography Shoots | Adventure Session at a Lake Michigan State Park

If I could shout it from the rooftop I would! The Value of Anniversary Photography Shoots is worth its weight in gold! I have a beautiful Adventure Session at a Lake Michigan State Park to share with you but first, let’s talk about what makes Anniversary Photo Shoots a treasure. 

Recently I was flipping through a stack of photos from my childhood. I laughed as I noticed the only photos of my mom and dad by themselves without us kids were selfies (the old fashion way of turning a film camera around.) While I love looking through the photos, I wished to myself I had more photos of just the two of them taken in a more professional setting. It wasn’t until I got into photography that I started pointing the camera in their direction and doing random shoots with them.

Humor me for a second: Think back to the last time you got professional photos taken of just the two of you (nope, annual family photos don’t count.) Don’t be shocked if you realize the last time was at your wedding! It’s so common for couples to spend thousands of dollars booking an amazing wedding or elopement photographer but then after that season of life has passed, photos take a back seat as life gets busy.

While photos to look back on are part of The Value of Anniversary Photography Shoots, I believe the biggest reason to make it a priority is the experience itself. Anniversary sessions are more than a time to get pretty photos; instead, they are an opportunity to connect as a couple, reminisce over where the past few years have brought you, and think ahead with hope towards the future. 

Pause again and think about the last time you and your sweetheart went out on a date? I’m talking about one that was planned out and any major distraction was put aside. Can I just raise my hand to say it’s been a hot minute? 

I’m literally the worst at scheduling time for date nights (props to all of you who are so consistent!) so I find myself going weeks without setting aside time to be totally present with my husband. If this resonates with you, then you understand how special an anniversary experience would be!

I love planning these sessions because each one is totally unique. Some couples want to get dressed in their wedding clothes again while others want a home session. From super casual to full on vow renewal ceremony, the skies are the limit at what can be done.

Planning a fun activity that is 100% you and unique to your relationship is a great way to experience fun while getting photos taken of you two in your element. For some couples, a home session of cooking together in the kitchen is perfect while other couples love to bike around the lake they live by.

Here is a list of just a few (okay…50!!!) anniversary session ideas to get your mind thinking about the things that make your relationship one-of-a-kind:

50 Anniversary Session Ideas

1. Taking a dance lesson

2. Camping or backpacking

3. Riding go-carts

4. Baking cookies

5. Window shopping on your favorite city street

6. Picnicking in the park

7. Taking a dip in a lake or ocean

8. Playing board games

9. Skiing or snowboarding

10. Enjoying a campfire with s’mores

11. Sipping on tea or coffee at a local shop

12. Watching old home movies

13. Antique hunting

14. Going to the zoo or aquarium

15. Explore an art museum

16. Painting a landscape

17. Writing a letter to your future selves

18. Riding horses

19. Making music or singing karaoke

20. Putting together a puzzle

21. Ice skating or rollerblading

22. Cooking pizza or another interactive dish

23. Playing with your pet

24. Cheese tasting

25. Flying in a small aircraft

26. Fruit picking

27. Paddle boarding or surfing

28. Finding hidden waterfalls

29. Creating a time capsule

30. Bowling

31. Visiting a botanical garden

32. Off roading in a 4-wheel vehicle 

33. Riding in a hot air balloon

34. Eating ice cream

35. Attending a fair or carnival

36. Gardening

37. Star gazing

38. Home redecorating

39. Sailing

40. Making pottery

41. Restaurant hopping

42. Playing a favorite sport

43. Buying a plant at a nursery

44. Enjoying a farmers market

45. Rock climbing

46. Soaking in a natural spring

47. Attending a drawing class

48. Bookstore shopping

49. Building a snowman or igloo

50. Creating a flower bouquet at a florist shop

So many of these ideas could be combined for one epic anniversary experience! And this is just the start. You know your relationship better than anyone else so continue thinking about the activities you and your partner love to share together.

You’re probably wanting to see what this looks like in action, right? Let me take you on Janelle and Josh’s adventure session!

For Josh and Janelle’s Adventure Session at a Lake Michigan State Park, music and their pup Cody needed to be a focus. While we had moments with just the two of them (huge thanks to my husband for puppy sitting during those times), we also wanted to include their pup in the time we spent together.

And seriously, with Cody’s sweet and happy personality, it wasn’t hard to include him in the fun.

Since they moved to Michigan this past year, the lake has become a favorite place to visit nearly every week when temperatures are nice. After exploring several of the dunes (they still talk about the huge incline I suggested we all walk up, lol!) and playing with Cody, we finished the evening with playing and singing music as the sun set. Janelle even pulled out the song she had written to Josh for their wedding day!

Finally, we went down to the water’s edge and they splashed and danced in the water. t couldn’t have been a better end to the day.

Can’t get enough of this Adventure Session at a Lake Michigan State Park? View the full gallery below!


The best place to start with planning an anniversary session is picking a photographer who understands that these photo sessions are more than just taking photos together. Choosing someone who will facilitate the experience (you having fun doing an activity together) will not only result in an amazing adventure but also produce the most authentic photos.

If you’re already thinking and planning an amazing anniversary experience but looking for a photographer that can capture the vision you have for the day and understands The Value Of Anniversary Photography Shoots, message me! I’d love to help you craft this special time and see that the memories you create are captured forever.


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